Friday, February 13, 2009

New CareBear Zones

Bad news for Hardcore/realism gamers. There's confirmed reports that Aventurine has patched in a couple guard towers in deeper reaches of Agon in small towns which just make the guard towers look strange.

Hopefully this changes, as well as the universal bank dilemma which we'll talk more about in next post.


Anonymous said...

they have always said reds will have a hard time so

Unknown said...

Uh, "bad news for realism gamers"? So, an unguarded vault just plopped down in the middle of the forest is more realistic?

Hello Im Nobody said...

A vault just plopped down in the middle of the forest is realistic at all?

Unknown said...

My point exactly.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

this game is a total pile of fucking junk failure..

It's total unfinished untested crap. It's like some kind of terrible alpha that a bunch of total amateurs tried putting together.

and now they're taking pre orders and limited release because.....

1. they ran out of money

2. they can't handle a real launch because they ran out of money

total 100% F-ailure

Anonymous said...

tut LMAO really are you sure about that?

because in reality the game works fine needs some improvmeants but most of it can easly be put in during release because what they have actully works
go away pet troll what did theye ver do to you anyways kill your mom or your dog or something or bully you in school by chance. hell you act like you havent even started school

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

really are you sure about that?
because in reality the game works fine needs some improvmeants

Uhm no sorry.

Here's some "REALITY" for you.


Darkfall releases in just 10 days and it is going to flop badly!

Me and my girlfriend just returned from out of town, visiting a guildee who is in Darkfall beta. I got to play the game for about 6-7 hours and partake in an attempted seige, etc.

it doesn't warrant a monthly subscription, because there is nothing there! The game is NOT an MMORPG and almost everything in the FAQ is missing from the game. There is no RPG elements to this game.

I really don't know where to start, I had a couple of hours to think about it on the way home and basically, Darkfall is another Dark & Light.

Tasos is just another slick car salesman that has provided lip service instead of a product. I've read the betaleak boards (etc) and almost everything people have said about the game is TRUE.

Darkfall is nothing but an extremely dumbed down version of Planetside! !! Combat is pethetic and not even remotely like a typical first person shooter (Counterstrike/Battlefield) . The skill trees are basically fake and have basically no logical feeling of progression. Heck even Warhammer has better progression of your character. Nothing seems to work as intended, jump skill? It does nothing..

I really don't want to sit here and bash every part of this game, because it would just take too long. I just want other people to be aware that this game is a big SCAM.

Go watch that Darkfall trailer, aside from the kick azz trees and lighting nothing is in the game, it's empty. BTW, there are no boats or housing... that was all a lie!!!

I was expecting an unfinished game due to reading the beta leaks and posts from beta testers, but I had no idea Darkfall was in this condition. Put it this way, no amount of patching is going to fix Aventurine's lack of vision or ability. This game took 7 years for a reason... they are total amateurs

Unknown said...

Take it from this beta tester:

Ignore the trolls, they're trolling.

Anonymous said...

TUT get lost you fucking loser >< your one sad puppy

Anonymous said...

ps dark and light didnt work at all

no content broke pos bad performance

Df is and darka nd light have no simularities in that regaurd


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