Darkfall Torrent Link removed
(fucking upload the 8 gigs so it doesn't slow everyone with invites, not just the PATCHIER)
New Patch or here for link
We have fixed most of the problems people had with the patching
process. You should all get decent patching speeds now.
A new patch has been released.
We've reset the patch system and done some optimization on the dataset.
The complete dataset has been reduced to around 8 GB in this patch
instead of 20 GB as it was before.
We've gone up several build numbers since the last patch, and the
characters have been wiped.
Fixes and Upgrades in this patch includes
[*] A new lobby has been activated
[*] GUI has been reworked and completely reskinned
[*] Sprint hack from earlier builds have been fixed
[*] Vendors always place a marker on the minimap now
[*] Invisible items on hotbar has been fixed
[*] Camera modes have been updated. You can use the mouse wheel to
zoom in and out
[*] City building mode camera has been fixed, so it never gets stuck
[*] Warhulk movement have been enhanced (You can use F12 to toggle
camera modes when driving a warhulk)
[*] Mount controls has been tweaked.
[*] Mount movement bug where you, in some cases, would get stuck close
to other players or NPCs have been fixed
[*] Rivers have been updated. If you go swim in a river, it will now
carry you downstream.
[*] Swimming has been tweaked
[*] All attributes has been enabled
[*] Base attributes increasing will now display a signal to you
[*] Resource nodes have been tweaked
[*] Resource nodes that are empty will now display a proper message
[*] Clan Window and Journal window has been fixed. If a bug is
encountered there it will not freeze the game
[*] If you get damaged just before you teleport, the damage effect
will no longer say on your camera
[*] Progress bars will not potentially be hidden behind other windows anymore
[*] Extremely rare player trading problem have been fixed
[*] NPC animations have been updated
[*] Many, many more chests have been added. These need specific keys
to access them. You can usually find this on monsters nearby.
[*] Many toolboxes, weapon racks etc. have been enabled for you to
loot around the world.
[*] Crafting window improvements
[*] Rune stones(Recall stones) have been enabled. Anyone can use a
rune stone, but to bind a location into it, you need to be trained in
that skill.
[*] A bug where you could not buy greater magic have been fixed
[*] You can now configure if you want hit sounds or not (A hit sound
is a sound that is played when you do damage to something). It's
option can be found in audio options
[*] You now start with one starter (conscript) weapon and you can
change this, for a price, at a vendor
[*] You can now buy more slots for starter weapons at a vendor. (Maximum is 3)
[*] Directional attacks for all melee weapons have been added. You can
slice vertically or horizontally. The default key for toggling this is
[*] Animations for seize and knock back skills for melee weapons have
been fixed
[*] Some problematic gank animations for Mirdain have been fixed
[*] Update and new features for the Clan Window
[*] Update and new features for the Player Journal
[*] Update to the high score lists.
[*] Many more quests added
[*] High score quests have been enabled
[*] Time limit highscore quests have been enabled
[*] Massive AI update: Many more monsters have been added
[*] AI behaviour has been severely improved
[*] More wildlife monsters (tigers, bears, lions etc) have been enabled
[*] Underwater monsters have been enabled
[*] Dungeon monsters have been enabled
[*] Monsters will now visibly taunt you (if you deserve it)
[*] Some monsters packs will be roaming: If you meet some monsters at
a specific location, that doesn't mean that they will be there the
next time you pass.
[*] Monsters will now sometimes send personal taunts to you
[*] Environment system have been fully enabled: Ambience and weather
will now change in both time and as you move around areas. One
Darkfall Day is now approx 5 human hours
[*] In game help has been enabled. Press the help button on the main
menu to get to the help pages.
[*] Rest skill will now raise with use and as you get better you will
regenerate faster
[*] Bindstone recall spawn timer has been fixed and you can now also
cancel the skill by moving
[*] Updates to armor graphics
[*] Environment in Character Creator has been fixed
[*] Default binding of 'i' to invert mouse has been fixed
[*] More player skills have been added.
[*] Clan cities belonging to you own clan will now display on your
world- and minimap.
[*] You can choose what markers to display on your world and minimap
by going to Options->GUI Options
[*] Initiating a clan conquest against a city will now display
countdown timers on all the participants.
[*] Initiating a clan conquest will now display the challenged city
and the challengers cities on the world- and minimap.
[*] Stats from all conquest will now be properly saved
[*] The city building process now displays the cost (in building
modules) of creating a city building.
[*] A challenged city that has been taken over will now properly kick
the people who are bound there
[*] City local bonuses will now properly be removed when the building
is disabled, and re enabled when the building is enabled again.
[*] City local and global bonuses (get these by building a unique
wonder) will now be enabled correctly again after a server restart
[*] Built Clan city cannons are now usable after a server restart
[*] Dwarven and Mirdain Clan Cannons now functional in all cities
[*] You now have to have the building modules in your back pack when
building a city. You can no longer have them in the Clan Vault (so
people can kill you and steal it when you are building a city)
[*] Entire world has been fixed to remove gaps in the world
[*] Updates to the world
"General question to any leaker.
Question, are stats(dex,vit,str...) Fixed or do they improve when you use skills?
This and if stats improve how fast do they improve, and to what extent(like from 25 to 100)."
Stats go up as you use things related to the stats, as far as I can tell. They go up at a reasonable pace and they increase fractionally.
"I dont see why people in a pvp game would really give a shit how long it takes to cross the game world. WHO GIVES A SHIT!If anything make the world smaller for more pvp action. This isnt a RP game."
I hear that it takes 2.5 hours to walk across the game world. The only thing I know for sure is that it takes 30-40 minutes to sprint between capital cities, as I have tested that personally. The world is more than big enough to get off the grid.
"QUESTION: What about the forest? How does it look like? Is it dense? With bushes, small, large trees? Or just one tree here, one tree there...
Noone said a thing about forest... :("
The pine forests look like real pine forests. There are all kinds of different landscapes. Swamps, Blasted lands, Desert, Frozen, Broadleaf and Pine Forests. Most of which have some fantasy or alien like plants or rocks as well.
"With clans/clanadministration, ships, sieging enabled how can testers have the feeling not much is turned on ?"
As I said before, I could only answer what I had experienced first hand, otherwise I said that I did not see it yet. There have been plenty of wipes and there was a small population before. So while perhaps some others have seen this stuff and don't talk about it, I still have not. The things I said were off, were off. That was the population of dungeons and some outdoor spawn areas. Maybe that will be on as well with this new build. Very possible.
The devs and some other beta testers do not appreciate any leaks at all. With all due repect, I do not feel bad leaking some positive and counter information to the negative leaks that were already out. They certainly were not going to say anything about it, and I do not know if they realized how many people didn't even believe their game existed before these leaks started. Even now some people still think this is like Dark and Light or Dawn. Which it is not. This is a very good and solid game.
As for the current status, we are still waiting for the game servers to come up and most people I imagine are still patching. The patching started very slow but seems to be speeding up now. The new patch screen and icon looks very polished and is what you would expect from a professional company. Unlike their earlier temporary login screen.
Additionally, many new testers have been let in, and it sounds like they are going to keep letting in more and more people as they are able to. Hopefully the game servers will be up very soon. -leakreader2